Friday 22 November 2013

photography prints of my personal objects

These are photographs of my personal objects that I have developed using different techniques such as sandwich printing, photograms, using text and painting with developer. I've developed all these images in the darkroom. Some of the objects that I used are very special and important to me because they were giving to me from my family and friends and important people. The key rings are given to me by my cousin sisters because they travel and bring me back souvenirs.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

photography images

These are photographs I done by using a traditional camera and film. I took pictures of some of the surroundings outside of college and then used a process called developing and developed them in the dark room and then I printed them in another dark room to get the images out onto the special photography paper which cannot be exposed to light.

Drawing of shells with pen

These are drawings of a biro pen and fine liner pen. I took one main shell and drew different areas of the same shell and then I got some water and black ink then used a water color brush to put ink in some of the areas of the shells to make the shells stand out and to make it look three dimensional. Then I used a little bit of green ink and put some color in the drawings. These drawings are on A2 piece of paper.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Concentina books

 These are photoraphs of my concertina books that I have made when I was doing the induction project at the beginning of the year. It was about me, myself what I like and places I would want to go in the future. I used different techniques to make the book look intreresting with pictures and fabric and other material. Also I used the computers to make other different techniques to make the book look more interesting.